A large percent of DTC brands rely too much on a narrow selection of media channels. A frightening number of brands are almost completely dependent on 1-2 channels. It’s not uncommon to find brands who funnel 90% of budgets into Facebook and Google.

While Facebook and Google can be reliable, they offer very little prospect to upstart brands for MASSIVE break-throughs. Once DTCs have secured a clear identity and a rock solid customer engagement strategy, brands MUST target break-through opportunities. The goal of growth brands should be to hunt for under-priced attention …and then maximize the impact of that attention.  

The most high-profile opportunities exist around the confluence of; (1)what’s happening with video on TikTok (and Reels), (2)livestreaming, and (3)influencers.

Often overlooked opportunities also exist with; (1)traditional PR, (2)with community management and content seeding into emerging apps, and (3)out-of-home (eg. stunts/guerrilla marketing) together with pop-ups. Community focused efforts like these are more about hustle than budget, so also well suited to DTC budgets.

For most DTC brands, opportunities in the “Metaverse” are too much of a stretch, as the barriers to efficiently executing into this environment are just too high. 

Unless there are very easy (affordable) opportunities to gain under-priced attention, experiments in newer media are more likely to fall flat and exhaust enthusiasm for future attempts. An experiment that is more than 5-10% of company effort/budget is likely to product negative outcomes. (See Page 85)

Most brands would be well advised to widen the number of channels that they have presence on, balancing the need for steady growth (from stalwarts like Facebook) with the breakthrough potential that comes from experimenting on other channels such as TikTok, Discord, Reddit, Twitch. The more crowded the channel, the harder it is to - gain attention - and make real break-throughs. 
